Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nemo has new tape

Nemo has new bar tape, a new hg 105 10 speed chain, and stunning white fredestein tires. She is getting all gussied up for the October 11th, 100 mile ride at the Tour de Cure. in Northwest Arkansas. My co workers at Walmart Optical Lab in Fayetteville are helping to raise money and sponsoring me at this years tour. I am very humbled by their generosity. I have ridden 3373 miles this year and even then, I am nervous about the ride. It is difficult for me to pace myself. I did 51.01 miles the other day with a 16.01 average with windy conditions and long climbing sections. It was the first time in a long while that my legs were sore and I felt bonked climbing the drawn out hill back to my house. Even though my legs were wanting me to stop on the last hill, I carried on. My bicycle, Nemo, has been such a blessing for me personally. She is a well designed hand made Italian road bike and made of columbus nemo steel, with assorted carbon fiber parts. She is very well balanced and has performed extremely well in all conditions. Thanks again Tom at GVH bikes for putting her together. Hope to see you at the Tour.

1 comment:

PEANUT said...

That is some NICE bar tape!